Create an Audit Database

Value Change Auditing Databases Overview

To create an audit database and perform value-change monitoring activities, you will need to have a user account with appropriate permissions to:

Before Defining an Audit Database under Informix or Sybase

Note that for Informix and Sybase (except for Sybase IQ, which does not support triggers). Depending on the operating system for the database server, you must perform one of the following procedures before defining the audit database.

Informix Setup - Locate or Create a New Database Space

This topic applies for Informix (9.4 or later). Under Informix, we strongly recommend that you avoid using the default root database space, root_dbs. You cannot drop this space or reduce its size. You should use any other database space that has been defined, or to create a new database space, perform one of the following procedures (depending on the operating system):

Create an Informix Database Space on a Windows Server

This procedure is performed outside of the Guardium GUI, and applies for Informix version 9.4 or later.

  1. Verify that the database server is online and listening.

  2. Create a zero-byte file named guardium_dbs_dat.000 in the C:\IFMXDATA\server-name directory (sever-name is the name of the Informix server or the service name). You can do this by saving an empty text file, and then renaming the file, replacing the txt suffix with 000.

  3. Make the following directory the working directory:

C:\Program Files\Informix\bin

  1. Execute following command:

C:\Program Files\Informix\bin>onspaces -c -d guardium_dbs -p C:\IFMXDATA\server-name\guardium_dbs_dat.000 -o 0 -s 150000

If the file is created successfully, you will receive the following messages:

Verifying physical disk space, please wait ...

Space successfully added.

** WARNING **  A level 0 archive of Root DBSpace will need to be done.

  1. Restart the Informix server, and use a suitable tool (Aqua Data Studio remote client, for example) to connect and verify that the space named guardium_dbs has been created. Your first connection attempt may fail with a message about the server running in Quiescent Mode.  If this happens, attempt to re-connect at least two more times, and it should work fine.

  2. To verify that the guardium_dbs database space has been created, use Aqua Data Studio, and look under Storage.

Create an Informix Database Space on a Unix Server

This procedure is performed outside of the Guardium GUI, and applies for Informix version 9.4 or later.

  1. From a command-line window, enter the following commands:

su - informix

cd demo/server

vi guardium_dbs   => save it to create an empty file.

  1. Without adding any text, save the empty guardium_dbs file.

  2. Enter the following commands:

chmod 660 guardium_dbs

cd ../../bin

onspaces -c -d guardium_dbs -p /home/informix10/demo/server/guardium_dbs -o 0 -s 100000

Sybase Setup - Initialize Disks

This topic applies for Sybase servers only (except for Sybase IQ, which does not support triggers). Depending on the operating system of the database server, perform one of the following procedures to initialize disks.

Initialize Disks on a Windows Sybase Server

  1. Connect to the server on which you want to create the Guardium audit database: guardium_audit.

  2. Create a folder named guardium_audit, under the c: drive.

  3. Connect to the database using datastudio or using isql.

  4. Execute the following commands:

use master


disk init name="guardium_auditdev", physname="c:/guardium_audit/guardium_auditdev", size=8192


disk init name="guardium_auditlog", physname="c:/guardium_audit/guardium_auditlog", size=8192


Initialize Disks on a Unix Sybase Server

  1. Connect to the database using datastudio or using isql.

  2. Execute the following statements:

use master


disk init name = 'guardium_auditdev', physname

   ='/home/sybase/data/guardium_auditdev' , size = 8192


disk init name = 'guardium_auditlog', physname

   ='/home/sybase/data/guardium_auditlog' , size = 8192


Create the Database

For an Informix or Sybase database, be sure to perform the preliminary tasks described above, before performing this procedure.

  1. Do one of the following to open the Value Change Database Builder:

  2. Click the Create Audit Database button to open the Create Value Change Audit Database panel.

  3. Click Add Datasource to open the Datasource Finder panel. Datasources that have been defined from the Value Change Auditing application are labeled Monitor Values. Datasources that have been defined for other applications will have different labels (Listener, or DBanalyzer, for example), and those datasources may not have the appropriate set of database access permissions for Value Change Auditing application, which requires a user account having database administrator authority. If a suitable datasource is not available, click the New button to define a new one for the database to be monitored (see Datasources in the Common Tools book for detailed information on defining datasources).

  4. Select a datasource that uses an administrator account, and click Add, to add it to the Datasources pane on the Create Value Change Audit Database panel.

  5. Enter an Audit Datasource Name. This is the name that will be used to identify the datasource later, to define monitoring tasks and to upload data. Do not confuse this name with the name of the Datasource from the Datasources panel.

  6. Optionally mark the Share Datasource box to share this datasource with other applications (Classification, for example). The default is not to share the datasource. This type of datasource requires administrator privileges, so you may not want to share this datasource with other applications.

  7. For any database type other than DB2, there will be additional fields in the Audit Configuration pane. All fields are required. Referring to the following table, enter the appropriate values.

Additional Audit Configuration Fields Table

Database Type

Field: Description


Database Space: Enter the name of an existing database space to use, or enter the name of the database space you created for the audit database (guardium_dbs in the example shown previously). If you leave this blank, the default root_dbs space will be used, which we do not recommend.

MS SQL Server

Audit User Name: Enter a new database user name to use when accessing the audit database. This user will be given the sysadmin role.

Audit Password: Enter a password for the above.


Audit Password: Enter the password for the system user, which will be the database account used to access the audit database.

Default Tablespace: Enter a name for the default tablespace.

Temp Tablespace: Enter a name for the temporary tablespace.


Audit User Name: Enter a new database user name to use when accessing the audit database. This user will be granted the sa_role.

Audit Password: Enter a password for the above.

Data Device Name: Enter the same data device name used when initializing the disk for the audit database (guardium_auditdev in the disk initialization procedure described earlier).

Log Device Name: Enter the same log device name used when initializing the disk for the audit database (guardium_auditlog in the disk initialization procedure described earlier).


  1. Click the Create Audit Database button to create the audit database, or select any other action from the table below.




Click to remove the datasource from the Datasources pane. Before you can do anything else, you will need to select another datasource using the Add Datasource button (see below).

Add Datasource

Only one datasource can be selected for this operation, so this button is only enabled when the Datasources pane is empty. Click the Add Datasource button to select a datasource using the Datasource Finder (as described above).

(Edit this Datasource)

Click to edit this datasource definition in the Datasource Definition panel  (see Datasources in the Common Tools book for detailed information on defining datasources).


Cancel the operation without creating an audit database.

Create Audit Database

Click to create the Audit database.

After Defining the Audit Database

After an audit database has been created on a database server, it will be available for use by the Value Change Auditing Builder, which is the tool that is used to build triggers. See Value Change Auditing.