By default, the overall layout of the Guardium portal includes tabbed panes that display Guardium applications, tools, reports, and monitors. It is recommended to use default tabbed layout.
The Guardium portal window contains one or more panes. Each pane defines the layout of some portion of the window. Each pane may contain one or more other panes. The default layout contains three different types of panes: tab panes, menu panes, and portlet panes, each of which is described below.
A tab pane defines a row of tabs. Each tab contains the name of a dependent pane that completely defines the area beneath the row of tabs on which it is defined. Within a tab row, the tab contents overlay one another, with the contents of only one tab – called the active tab – visible at any given time. The active tab in each tab row is highlighted.
A menu pane contains a vertical list of selections on the left side of the pane. Each menu selection completely defines the remainder of the pane to the right of the list. Therefore, as is the case with tab panes, only one menu selection is active at a time. The active menu selection is highlighted.
A portlet pane contains application or report portlets, or perhaps both; the only restriction being that a portlet pane layout may not contain multiple applications.
The Guardium administrator or access manager can generate a default layout for a role. After that, any new user who is assigned that role will have that layout after logging in for the first time. See Generate New Layout in the CLI Reference appendix.
Open the Customize Pane for the tab pane on which you want to add a tab, by doing one of the following:
To add a tab to the outer-most row of tabs, click the Customize link at the top of the Guardium window.
To add a tab to any other tab pane, make that tab
the active tab by clicking its title, and then click the
(Customize) button on the tab title.
In the Customize Pane panel, make sure that Tab pane is selected from the Layout list. If Tab pane is not available in the Layout list, you have opened a layout that contains portlets (reports or applications). You cannot change a portlet layout to a tab or menu layout, unless you first delete all portlets in the layout.
Click the Add Pane button, and you will be prompted to supply a name for the new pane.
Enter a name for the new pane, and click the Apply button. In the Customize Pane panel, the new entry will be added to the list of tabs.
To change the order of the tabs, click the
(Up) button to move the corresponding tab to the left in the row of tabs
or click the
(Down) button to move the tab to the right in the row of tabs.
To remove a tab from the row: Click the
(Delete) button for that tab.
Caution: You will not be prompted to confirm a deletion.
Click the Apply button when you are done.
To define the contents of the new tab, click on it to
make it the active tab, and then click its (Customize) button, to open the Customize
Pane. The default layout for a new pane is One
column. This is one of several possible portlet layouts (as opposed
to a tab or menu layout).
Do one of the following:
To define the new pane as a menu layout, see Create a Menu, below.
To add portlets to the layout, see Add Portlets to a Pane, below.
To add a nested row of tabs below the pane just added, select Tab pane from the Layout list, and then for each tab in the new row of tabs:
Click the Add Pane button.
Enter a name for the pane.
Click the Apply button to save the new pane.
When you are done adding all panes, click the Save and Apply button to close the Customize Pane.
You can create a new menu on any tab that contains no portlets. To create a new menu:
Click on the tab title of the tab on which you want to create the menu.
Click the (Customize) button on the tab title to open
the Customize Pane for that tab.
Select Menu pane from the Layout list. If Menu pane is not available in the Layout list, you have opened a layout that contains portlets (reports or applications). You cannot change a portlet layout to a menu (or tab) layout, unless you first delete all portlets in the layout.
To save the menu pane layout (you can add menu selections later), click the Apply button, or to add menu selections now, see Add Menu Selections, below.
This procedure describes how add menu selections to a menu. If you have not yet created a menu, see Create a Menu, above. A menu selection simply provides a label for the pane to the right of the menu. After defining a menu selection, you will need to define the contents of the pane, usually by adding report portlets (see Add Portlets to a Pane, below).
To add menu selections to a menu:
Navigate to the menu to which you want to add selections.
Click the (Customize) button at the bottom of that
Click the Add Pane button. You are prompted to supply a name for the new menu selection.
Enter a name for the selection, and click the Apply button. In the Customize Pane panel, the new selection will be added to the list of menu selections.
To change the order of the menu selections, click the
(Up) button to move the selection up one position in the menu, or click
(Down) button to move the selection down one position.
To remove a selection from the menu, click the
(Delete) button for that selection.
Caution: You will not be prompted to confirm a deletion.
Click the Apply button when you are done.
To define the layout of the menu selection just defined, see Add Portlets to a Pane, below.
This section describes how to customize a portlet pane by defining its layout and adding portlets. You cannot add portlets to menu panes or tab panes.
Navigate to the tab or menu to which you want to add one or more portlets.
Click the (Customize) button for that pane (on the
tab title or at the bottom of the menu) to open the Customize Pane.
Click the name of the pane to which you want to add one or more portlets. If you have nested tabs or nested menus, you may have to repeat this step. The Add Portlet button should be enabled.
Select a portlet layout for the pane from the Layout box. The default is One column. If this pane does not yet contain anything, the Menu pane and Tab pane options will be available, but do not select either of these if you intend to add portlets to this pane.
Click the Add Portlet button to add one or more portlets to the layout. You can add more portlets later. The Customize Pane panel changes to display the list of available portlets
Use the Filter portlets by category list to limit the display of portlets.
Use the Next and Previous buttons to navigate through the list of portlets, and mark the Add checkbox for each portlet to be added to the layout.
After selecting all portlets to include, click the Apply button. (You can add more portlets to the pane later.) The Customize Pane will re-display with all selected portlets displayed in an approximation of the layout selected. For example, if you selected a two-column layout, the portlets will be listed two across.
If there are multiple portlets in the layout, you can move them using the buttons in the title bar for each portlet. The arrow buttons move the portlet in the indicated direction (Left, Right, Up, or Down). In addition, the standard Remove button can be used to remove the portlet.
Click the Save and Apply button when you are done. If the pane being updated is several tabs or menus, deep, you may have to click Apply or Save and Apply one or more times to close the Customize Pane.
If you have just added one or more report portlets,
you will need to define run-time parameters to view report output. (Click
the (Customize) button for each report portlet, and supply the run-time