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Track Workout - Threshold 400s Along the Charles

Objective: Train up your lactate threshold.

Notes for performing outside along the Charles River: Start at the first covered bench after the Mass Ave bridge heading NE along the River. It's 400m from that covered bench to the covered bench just past the MIT Sailing Pavilion. Recover by jogging back to the starting location - it should take you about twice as long to get back and you should be recovered, breathing easily and ready to begin your next 400m (NE again).

Warm Up

Perform a standard warm-up.

Main Set

Pace Rest/Recovery Interval
400 sprint pace plus about 10%

Walk or jog back to starting location

Example: If your 400 sprint time is 80 seconds, run at about 90 seconds per 400 and rest/recover for about 3 minutes.
If you don't know your 400 sprint pace, run the first two pretty-darn-quick (but not all out), take the faster time, and add 10% for the remaining repeats.

Cool Down15 minutes - walk at least 400m, stretch, move the legs. This is an intense workout and requires a good cool-down period to flush out all the junk. Do not cut the cool down short!

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