Video Clips
The embedded videos and links below are provided as a free service. Video
clips often get moved around or taken off of a website. If you encounter
a link that is no longer valid, please send a note (see Contact Us, above),
and I will update this page (eventually...)
I have selected each of these clips because I emphasize one or more points
that are illustrated by the clip in one or more of my programs. If you
are not one of my students, please note that in my programs the emphasis
is almost always on endurance swimming technique. If you are a sprinter,
you may want to seek out a different set of clips.
Some of these clips are promotional or instructional clips for this product
or that. I own just about every tool related to swimming, and I use many
of them. I am not suggesting you have to run out and buy all of these
things, and I am not compensated for promoting the use of any of these