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Race Preparation Focus - Key Workout

Objectives: A shorter workout, but with quality near-race-intensity main sets. To be done two or more days before a race. Use the Recovery Workout if you want to swim the day before the race.

Total Distance = 1800 yards; Total Time = 36:00; 12:00 -12:36

Set 1 - Warm-up; Dist = 400 yards; Time = 08:00; 12:00 -12:08
2 X 200 Freestyle Swim on 4:00
Training Cat: EN1
First 200 relaxed, second 200 race pace

Set 2 - Conditioning; Dist = 200 yards; Time = 04:00; 12:08 -12:12
4 X 50 Freestyle Swim on 1:00
Training Cat: EN2
Tarzan (head up) 12.5 yds, head down 37.5 yds

Set 3 - Conditioning; Dist = 800 yards; Time = 16:00; 12:12 -12:28
4 X 200 Freestyle Swim on 4:00
Training Cat: EN1
Race pace, sight once per length, get head back down

Set 4 - Warm-up; Dist = 400 yards; Time = 08:00; 12:28 -12:36
1 X 400 Freestyle Swim on 8:00
Training Cat: REC
Long strokes - maintain SPL

Totals by Training Cat
400 yards REC (22%)
1200 yards EN1 (67%)
200 yards EN2 (11%)

Totals by Stroke
1800 yards Freestyle (100%)

Totals by Propulsion
1800 yards Swim (100%

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