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Navigating Crowds - Group WorkoutObjective: Working your way through a crowd means disrupting your stroke frequently to sight and make small course corrections. Today's focus will be on passing in open water. Set 1 - Warm-up; Dist =
400 meters Set
2, 4, 6 - Conditioning + Sighting Practice; Dist = 200 meters Sets 3, 5, 7: Stroke Drill + Passing Practice Sets Half of the swimmers perform a drill - we'll call them drillers. The other half of the swimmers will swim, and we'll call them swimmers. Drillers leave first, two or three at a time. Spread out and take the whole lane - we are only doing single lengths. When the last driller passes the first set of flags, the swimmers leave one at a time and pass the drillers along the way. While waiting for the drillers to arrive, the swimmers should perform vertical kicking at the wall. At each wall, switch groups - drillers become swimmers and vice versa. Set 3 - Stroke Drill + Passing Practice;
Dist = 200 meters Set 5 - Stroke Drill + Passing Practice; Dist = 200 meters Set 7
- Stroke Drill + Passing Practice; Dist = 200 meters Set 8 - Cool-down; Dist = 400 meters Total - 2000 meters Return to Workout Directory. |
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