CSS 100sDescription.
Swimming at your CSS (critical swimming speed) should be "uncomfortably comfortable." Set
1 - Warm-up; Dist = 400 1 X 400 Freestyle build to EN2 Set 2 - Conditioning;
Dist = 200 4 X 50 Freestyle hard (Training Cat: EN2-EN3, your choice) with
30 seconds rest
Set 3 - CSS Conditioning; Dist = 1500 15 X 100 Freestyle
on 15 seconds rest; Training Cat: EN2 The rest interval is important - do not
exceed 15 seconds while maintaining a steady pace for each repeat. Set 4
- Kick/Swim; Dist = 200 4 X (25 Kick + 25 Freestyle) 30 seconds rest; Trainin
Cat: EN1+EN3 Kick on your side, back, or face down (your choice) Set
5 - Cool-down; Dist = 400 1 X 400 Freestyle Swim - Training Cat: REC Use
an alternate stroke 50% of the time. Return to Workout
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