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Catch Focus Workout

Objective: Faster lane will be building arm strength, slower lane(s) will be more focused on arm stroke technique.

Total Distance = 3300 (faster group), about 2200 (slower group)

Set 1 - Warm-up; Dist = 600
1 X 100 Freestyle
1 X 100 Freestyle arms only with pull buoy
1 X 100 Kicking on side
1 X 300 Freestyle - build effort to EN2 level

Set 2 - Conditioning + Active Recovery; Dist = 400
8 X 50 Freestyle as 25 hard (EN3) + 25 slow (REC) - recovery can be other stroke
NO rest between repeats - the second 25 is active recovery

Faster GroupSlower Group

Set 3 Conditioning; Dist = 1500

Freestyle pull set with pull buoy; all repeats on 10 seconds of rest (short rest!)
Training Cat: EN2

1 X 300
2 X 150
3 X 100
4 X 75
6 X 50

Set 3 Technique; Dist = 1200

Alternating drill sets swim sets, as time permits. Each drill is
2 X 50 and each swim is 2 X 100. All drills are to be done with a pull buoy. All swims without.

Scull #1
Doggy Paddle (head up)
Kickboard Single-Arm Drill
Long Dog (head down,

Set 4 - Conditioning; Dist = 400; NO pull buoys
4 X 100 Freestyle on 15 seconds rest
Training Cat: EN2
Set 4 - Conditioning; Dist = 200; NO pull buoys
4 X 50 Freestyle on 15 seconds rest
Training Cat: EN2

Set 5 - Cool-down; Dist = 400
1 X 400 Freestyle Swim on 8:00 - Training Cat: REC
Swim 50% using another stroke

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