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Objectives: Slower lanes will work to develop what everybody in the fast lane has: flow. Fast swimmers will push their limits to maintain an even send-off time for one hour of 100s.

Set 1 - Warm-up; Dist = 600
6 X 100 FS - start easy, increase speed, decrease rest interval

Set 2 - Main; Dist = ????
Repeat as time allows: 100 FS - find the shortest consistent send-off you can maintain
Count your repeats. Remember your send-off time for the next time you repeat this workout.

Set 3 - Cool Down; Dist = ???
100 FS repeats.
Cool down begins at 10 minutes before the end of the workout.
Slow your pace by 5 seconds per 100, increase your rest by 5 seconds per 100.

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