Main Set
| 6 minutes very
easy (conversational) pace - heading NE, then turn around 4 minutes moderate
pace to return to the starting point Note: Regarding the surges,
these should be done at above-race-pace, but not particularly hard, since recovery
intervals are only half the time of the preceding surge interval. Start conservatively!
Begin each recovery with a slow jog and build (rather) quickly back to, or close
to, race pace. This workout has about 27 minutes of running, so turn around before
the 6-minute surge, and after the 3-minute recovery following that surge. You
should finish the second 2-minute surge about 8 minutes from the starting location.
Turn around and jog back to the start for your cool-down. Surge
2, Recover 1 Surge 4, Recover 2 (turn around) Surge 6, Recover 3 (turn around) Surge
4, Recover 2 Surge 2, Recover - turn and return to start