here for instructions on how to use the video player. Use the
Turn Comments On or Off buttons for voice-over comments. Note that
you can play the clips one frame at a time or in slow motion using
the player control buttons. Play the clips with and without comments,
and then see the Drill Clips and Stills pages (above) for suggestions
on how to deal with the issues mentioned.
18-feb-11 Added two sets of comments: 1) kicking (not bad, but
unusual) and 2) arms and breathing - you are pressing one arm very
deep into the water (while breathing), and pulling underneath your
body with the other - neither of these movements is very effective.
Both problems can be corrected by changing your arm stroke timing:
just leave your extended arm out front until the other arm passes
your head in the water. Focus on having your hands pass each other
in the water out in front of your head.