here for instructions on how to use the video player. Use the
Turn Comments On or Off buttons for voice-over comments. Note that
you can play the clips one frame at a time or in slow motion using
the player control buttons. Play the clips with and without comments,
and then see the Drill Clips and Stills pages (above) for suggestions
on how to deal with the issues mentioned.
18-feb-11 Comments added regarding kicking (great) and arms (very
good but crossing centerline under the body). If you make no changes
to your arm stroke at all (you have what we call a shoulder driven
stroke) you will still be swimming better than most triathletes,
but if you take the time to develop a front-quadrant or early vertical
forearm catch and pull (which we call a hip driven stroke), that
will be more efficient for distance swimming. The best swimmers
use both types of stroke, sometimes in the same race (and actually
there is third general type as well). PS Sory about the name on
the clip. Will get that right next time.