Z-TAP Operator Commands

The table below describes commands that can be entered by an operator from a console to start, stop, and refresh monitoring environments, or to change the verbosity level of messages. When a command is entered, replace {started task name} with the job name assigned to the started task address space. For example, to stop the audit address space that has a job name of NSUPROC, the following command would be used:




Z-TAP Operator Commands



Use this command to set the verbosity level (n) of Z-TAP messages that appear in //NSUPRINT. The level can be set to 1, 2, or 3. 1 provides the least information, 3 provides the most. Command syntax:

/F {started task name},MSGLVL,n



Use this command to re-initialize the monitoring environment for one or more monitored subsystems.

To re-initialize the monitoring environment for all subsystems, use the syntax:

/F {started task name},REFRESH,ALL

To re-initialize the monitoring environment for a specific subsystem, use the syntax:

/F {started task name},REFRESH,{db2 member name}

WARNING: The REFRESH command should only be used when instructed by technical support, and only when workload is minimal.  



Use this command to start the Z-TAP utility after it was previously stopped. The START command should not be used when the REFRESH command is present. Command syntax:

/S {started task name}



Use this command to stop the Z-TAP address space. Command syntax:

/P {started task name}



Use this command to terminate the Z-TAP utility, releasing all resources and removing the ”r;hooks” from the DB2 subsystems. Basic command syntax:

/F {started task name},TERM,ALL

TERM can be used to terminate monitoring for a specific DB2 member:

/F {started task name},TERM,{db2 member name}

WARNING: The TERM command should only be used when instructed by technical support, and only when workload is minimal.