Z-TAP Messages

This section lists and explains return codes and messages that could be encountered during mainframe processing.



Return Codes

The following return codes are issued after Z-TAP completes processing:

Return Code



Successful completion.


Probable successful completion, but warning messages were issued and should be investigated.


Message Types

There are five types of messages. You can determine the message type by checking the last character of the message ID. This character indicates one of the following types:




Error. The product could not complete the requested function; take those actions required to complete the task.


Information. Status report only; no action required.


Reply (WTOR) message. Respond to the message as required.


Severe. The system will terminate. Correct the error if possible; contact Guardium Technical Support for assistance.


Warning. System is operational; no immediate action required. Investigate condition when time permits.


Message Variables

Many of the messages contain replacement fields (text that is shown in italics. For example: dbdname). When the utility issues the message, these replacement fields will contain actual data in place of the variables shown in this document.



NSU0001E: Message error <message id> : Message ID <return code> : Return Code <register> : Register 0 <register>. : Register 1

Explanation: A messaging error occured. The information in the message described the reasons for the error,

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Record the information in the message and contact Guardium Technical Support.


NSU0002I: Guardium for Mainframes by NEON Enterprise Software version <v.r.mm>  <copyright banner>

Explanation: This messages lists the product version of Guardium for Mainframes that you are using.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0003I : Guardium for Mainframes Z-Tap initialization completed at <time> on <date>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component of Guardium for Mainframes has completed its initialization process.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.



Explanation: The Z-TAP component of Guardium for Mainframes has completed processing. The final return code indicates whether processing completed successfully.

System Action: Processing terminates. If the return code is zero, processing was successful.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0005E: An invalid MODIFY command option has been entered by console <console> <text>

Explanation: The console identified in the message issued an invalid MODIFY command option against the Z-TAP component of Guardium for Mainframes. The message indicates the console ID and the text of the incorrect command.

System Action: Processing continues. The MODIFY command is not processed.

User Response: Correct the MODIFY command and submit it again.


NSU0006I: A STOP Command has been entered by console <console>

Explanation: The console identified in the message issued a STOP command (/P) against the Z-TAP started task.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: No response is required. However, to restart audit processing, a START command (/S task_name) must be issued. For more information about the commands available to the Z-TAP component, see ”r;Operator Commands” on page 22.


NSU0007I: DEBUG has been enabled by console <console>.

Explanation: The console identified in the message issued a MODIFY command that enabled debug processing for the Z-TAP component.

System Action: Processing continues, but performance may be affected by debug processing.

User Response: No action is required. Debug messages can be used to diagnose additional problems. To disable debug processing, issue another MODIFY command.


NSU0008W: REFRESH attempt for subsystem <ssid> has timed out.  Retry command once the monitor and log extractor complete.

Explanation: A refresh command failed for the Z-TAP started task running against the DB2 subsystem identified in the message. The attempt to refresh the subsystem timed out.

System Action: Processing continues, but the refresh does not occur.

User Response: Wait for the audit monitor and log extractor to finish processing, and submit the command again.


NSU0009E: REFRESH attempt for subsystem <ssid> has failed.  Monitoring has terminated.

Explanation:  A refresh command failed for the Z-TAP started task running against the DB2 subsystem identified in the message.

System Action: The monitoring process terminates.

User Response: Restart the Z-TAP component to continue monintoring. If you need assistance, contact Technical Support.


NSU0010E: Initialization failure: ASCOM Allocation Failed RC = <return code>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component could not complete its initialization process. A memory allocation error occurred. The return code indicates the reason for the failure.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Contact Technical Support.


NSU0011E: Initialization failure: Unable to register token RC = <return code>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component could not complete its initialization process. A registration error occurred. The return code indicates the reason for the failure.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Contact Technical Support.


NSU0017E: Unable to allocate DD <ddname>.  RC = <return code> Reason = x'<reason>'.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component could not allocate the DD statement identified in the message. The return and reason codes provide additional information about the error.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Investigate and correct the allocation error. Then, restart the Z-TAP component to continue audit processing. If you need assistance, contact Technical Support.


NSU0018E: Open for DD <ddname> failed.

Explanation: An open function failed for the DD statement identified in the message.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Investigate the DD statement to determine why the failure occurred. If you need assistance, contact Technical Support.


NSU0021E: Token retrieval failed for <token>.  RC = <return code>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component failed when it attempted to obtain the token identified in the message. The return code provides additional information about the failure.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Contact Technical Support.


NSU0022E: This address space is already active on this MVS system.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component attempted to initialize, but the address space is already active.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: If a second Z-TAP is needed, create a new proc for the started task.


NSU0023E: A release level mismatch has occurred.

Environment Level is <level>

Source Code Level is <level>

Explanation: All installed Z-TAP components in an environment must be at the same release version level. This message indicates the one or more components is out of sync.  

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Determine which component is outdated and replace it with the correct version.


NSU0024E: Unable to register enclave with WLM.  RC = <return code>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component could not register its enclave with the IBM Workload Manager (WLM).  This process is necessary for audit processing.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Determine whether a WLM profile exists for the Z-TAP started task. You may need to create the WLM profile if it does not exist.


NSU0025E: Load failed of module <module>. RC = <return code>.

Explanation: The load function failed for the Z-TAP component module identified in the message.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Record the module name and return code identified in the message. Then, contact Technical Support.


NSU0026I: Rules engine has completed successfully.

Explanation: The Z-TAP rules engine completed processing successfully.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0027E: Rules engine has completed unsuccessfully. RC=<return code>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP rules engine completed processing, but one or more errors occurred. The return code provides additional information about the error.

System Action: Processing may terminate, depending on the nature of the errors.

User Response: Use additional messages in the log to help diagnose the problem. If you need assistance, contact Technical Support.


NSU0028E: Rules engine has abended. Completion Code = x'code'.

Explanation: The Z-TAP rules engine terminated abnormally.  The completion code indicates why the termination occurred.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Use the completion code and surrounding messages to help determine why the abend occurred.  If you need assistance, contact Technical Support.


NSU0029I: Guardium for Mainframe address space has been requested to terminate at <time> on <date>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component address space received a termination request at the indicated date and time. (A TERM command was issued.)

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: No action is required. To resume audit processing, restart the Z-TAP component.


NSU0030I: Audit Extract Process subtask for Subsystem <ssid> has completed successfully.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component successfully ended monitoring on the subsystem identified in the message.

System Action: Processing terminates normally.

User Response: No response is required.


NSU0031E: Audit Extract Process subtask for Subsystem <ssid> has completed unsuccessfully.  RC = <return code>.

Explanation: Z-TAP monitoring completed with one or more errors. The return code provides additional information about the error.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Use the return code and surrounding messages to help diagnose the problem. If you need assistance, contact Technical Support.


NSU0032E: Audit Extract Process subtask for Subsystem <ssid> has abended. Completion Code = x'code'.

Explanation: The Z-TAP monitor function terminated abnormally.  The completion code indicates why the termination occurred.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Use the completion code and surrounding messages to help determine why the abend occurred.  If you need assistance, contact Technical Support.


NSU0033I: Guardium for Mainframes address space has terminated at <time> on <date>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP address space terminated at the time and date shown in the message.

System Action: No additional processing is performed.

User Response: No action is required. To resume audit processing restart the Z-TAP component.


NSU0034E: Token create failed for <name>. RC = <return code>.

Explanation: An attempt to create a token failed. The name of the process and the return code provide additional information that can be used to diagnose the problem.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Use the information in the message and surrounding messages to help diagnose and correct the problem. If you need assistance, contact Technical Support.


NSU0035E: Attach failed of module <module>. RC = <return code>.

Explanation: An attempt to attach the named module failed. This is an internal error, and processing cannot continue.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Record the module name and the return code shown in the message and contact Technical Support.


NSU0036E: Rules engine has failed to initialize.  RC = <return code>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP rules engine could not complete its initialization process.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Contact Technical Support.


NSU0037E: Token delete failed for <name>. RC = <return code>.

Explanation: An attempt to delete a name token failed. This in an internal error, and processing cannot continue.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Record the token name and return code shown in the message, and contact Technical Support.


NSU0038I: Rules engine initialization complete.

Explanation: The Z-TAP rules engine has completed its initialization process.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0039E: Pause token allocation failed.  RC = <return code>.

Explanation: An attempt to allocate a pause token failed. This is an internal error, and processing cannot continue.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Record the return code shown in the message and contact Technical Support.


NSU0040E: Bad return code returned from pause service.  RC = <return code>.

Explanation: An internal error occurred during Z-TAP processing.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Contact Technical Support.


NSU0041E: Request to retrieve monitored DB2 list failed.  RC = <return code>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component encountered an error when it attempted to retrieve a list of monitored DB2 databases.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Contact Technical Support.


NSU0042E: Monitor initialization failed for SSID <ssid>.  Allocation failure RC = <return code>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component could not be initialized for the subsystem identified in the message. The return code provides additional information about the error.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Contact Technical Support.


NSU0043E: Monitor initialization failed for SSID <ssid>.  Schedule Failed RC = <return code>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component could not initialize for the DB2 subsystem shown in the message because a schedule function failed. The return code provides additional information about the message.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Contact Technical Support.


NSU0044E: Monitor initialization failed for SSID <ssid>.  SRB abended completion code = x'code'.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component could not initialize for the DB2 subsystem identified in the message. An abend occurred in a service request block (SRB). The abend code provides additional information about the problem.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Use the information in the message and surrounding messages to help diagnose the problem. Restart the Z-TAP component.


NSU0045E: Monitor initialization failed for SSID <ssid>.  SRB failure RC = <return code>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component could not initialize for the DB2 subsystem identified in the message. A failure occurred in a service block request (SRB) as indicated by the return code shown in the message.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Use the information in this message and surrounding messages to help diagnose the problem. Restart the Z-TAP component.


NSU0046E: Monitor initialization failed for SSID <ssid>.  Token create failed RC = <return code>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component could not initialize for the DB2 subsystem identified in the message. A token creation function failed.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Contact Technical Support.


NSU0047E: Unable to locate DB2 module for monitor initialization.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component could not locate a required DB2 module.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Contact Technical Support.


NSU0048E: Failure during phase one load of NSUHMAIN.  RC = <return code>.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred in Z-TAP processing.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Contact Technical Support.


NSU0049E: Failure during phase two load of NSUHMAIN.  RC = <return code>.

Explanation: An internal error has occurred in Z-TAP processing.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Contact Technical Support.


NSU0050E: Subsystem <ssid> is not defined on this system.

Explanation: The DB2 subsystem that was defined in the audit plan does not exist on the LPAR where the Z-TAP component is installed.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Check the DB2 SSID to verify that it is correct. If the subsystem exists on a different LPAR, you must install an instance of the Z-TAP component on that LPAR to monitor the subsystem.


NSU0051W: An existing monitoring environment was not found for subsystem <ssid>.

Explanation: While terminating, the Z-TAP component could not locate an existing monitoring environment in the target DB2 subsystem.

System Action: Termination processing continues. Additional errors could occur.

User Response: Contact Technical Support.


NSU0052I: New monitoring session created for subsystem <ssid>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component successfully initiated processing for the subsystem identified in the message.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0053I: Monitoring session for subsystem <ssid> restarted.

Explanation: Z-TAP audit processing successfully restarted for the DB2 subsystem identified in the message.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0054E: Direct load failed of module <module>. RC = <return code>.

Explanation: Z-TAP processing failed because a necessary module could not be loaded.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Contact Technical Support.


NSU0055I: A REFRESH Command has been entered by console <console>. <text>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component received a REFRESH command from the console ID identified in the message.

System Action: The Z-TAP component will stop and restart in response to the command.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0056E: Storage release failed.  Area = <block> RC = <return code>.

Explanation: During termination procesing, the Z-TAP component was unable to release the storage block identified in the message.

System Action: Termination processing continues with the return code shown in the message.

User Response: Contact Technical Support.


NSU0057E: The specified REFRESH option was invalid.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component attempt to process a REFRESH command but the command was specified with invalid syntax.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Correct the REFRESH command syntax and submit the command again.


NSU0059I: Log extractor for DB2 Subsystem <ssid> has completed successfully.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component successfully extracted log data for the subsystem identified in the message.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0060E: Log extractor for DB2 Subsystem <ssid> has completed unsuccessfully. RC = <return code>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component encountered an error. The return code provides additional information about the problem.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Look for other messages that may explain the error.


NSU0061E: Log extractor for DB2 Subsystem <ssid> has abended. Completion Code = x'code'.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component could not extract log data for the DB2 subsystem identified in the message. A serious problem occured in the log extractor task. The abend code provides additional information about the problem.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Used the information in the message to help diagnose the cause of the problem.  If you need assistance, contact Technical Support.


NSU0062E: An SQL error has occurred on <ssid> in program <program>, statement number <statement>: <errortext>

Explanation: The Z-TAP component encountered an SQL error in the program identified in the message. The statement that caused the error and the error text are also shown.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Correct the SQL error and refresh the Z-TAP component to continue audit processing.


NSU0063I: SQL statement <statement> in program <program> returned SQLCODE -911/-913.  Retries remaining <nnnnn>.

Explanation: The SQL statement shown in the message returned a deadlock condition (SQL code -911 or -913). The statement will be retried the number of times indicated. The number of retries is determined by the default value set during installation of the Z-TAP component.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0064E: SQL statement <statement> in program <program> returned SQLCODE -911/-913.  SQL retries exhausted.

Explanation: The SQL statement shown in the message has been retried as many times as specified by the default installation parameter.

System Action: No additional retries are attempted. Processing terminates.

User Response: Investigate the deadlock condition that caused the problem. When the problem has been resolved, restart or refresh the Z-TAP component to continue audit processing.


NSU0065I: DISPLAY <option> issued:

Explanation: This message shows the DISPLAY command issued to DB2.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0066I: <text>

Explanation: This message shows the results of the DISPLAY command passed to DB2.

System Action: Processing continues

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0067E: An error occurred attempting to issue a -DISPLAY command. RC = <return code> Reason = <reason>

Explanation: The Z-TAP component encountered an error when it attempted to issue a -DISPLAY command. The return and reason codes provide additional information about the message.

System Action: Processing may continue, but additional errors may be encountered.

User Response: Make sure that the DB2 subsystem is available to Guardium for Mainframes.


NSU0070W: Unable to connect to Workload Manager (WLM) Processing continues. <return code>    : WLM Return Code <reason>: WLM Reason Code

Explanation: The Z-TAP component could not connect to the Workload Manager (WLM).

System Action: Processing continues, but performance may be affected.

User Response: If performance becomes unacceptable, investigate why WLM is unavailable.


NSU0072W: Unable to create Workload Manager enclave. Processing continues. <return code>    : WLM Return Code <reason>: WLM Reason Code

Explanation: The Z-TAP component could not create a WLM enclave. The return and reason codes from WLM provide additional information about the problem.

System Action: Processing continues, but performance may be affected.

User Response: No action is required. If performance becomes unacceptable, investigate the WLM issue.


NSU0073W: Creation of offload definition for z/IIP enclave failed. Processing continues. <return code>    : WLM Return Code <reason>: WLM Reason Code

Explanation: The Z-TAP component could not create a z/IIP enclave.

System Action: Processing continues, but performance may be affected.

User Response: No action is required. If performance becomes unacceptable, investigate the WLM issue.


NSU0074I: No z/IIP processors configured on this system to offload work.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component was configured to use z/IIP processors when they are present. No z/IIP processors were available on this z/OS system.

System Action: Processing continues, but performance may be affected.

User Response: No action is required. To improved audit processing performance, configure a z/IIP to handle some of the workload.


NSU0075I: Log extract process started at <time> on <date>.

Explanation:  The Z-TAP component began the log extraction process at the data and time shown in the message.

System Action:  Processing continues.

User Response:  No action is required.


NSU0076I: Log extract process completed at <time> on <date>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component completed the log extraction process on the date and time shown in the message.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0077I: Guardium plan processor has completed successfully.

Explanation: The audit plan was successfully processed.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0078E: Guardium plan processor has completed unsuccessfully. RC = <return code>

Explanation: The Z-TAP component could not process the audit plan. The return code is shown in the message.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Check for other messages that may indicate the error.


NSU0079E: Guardium plan processor has abended. Completion Code = x<code>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component could not process the audit plan. A serious problem occurred in the plan processor task. The abend completion code can provide additional information about the problem.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Use the information in the abend return code to diagnose the problem. If you need assistance, contact Guardium Technical Support.


NSU0080W: Guardium plan processor has not completed initialization. The last saved plan will be used until initialization can complete.

Explanation: When Guardium policies are created or modified, a Z-TAP initialization process converts them to a set of rules used by the plan processor. Until this initialization process completes, existing rules remain in force.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0081I: Guardium plan processor initialization complete.

Explanation: When Guardium policies are created or modified, a Z-TAP initialization process converts them to a set of rules used by the plan processor. This message indicates that policy changes are now in force on the mainframe.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0082E: DB2 subsystem <ssid> is not using a version of DB2 that is supported by this version of Guardium for Mainframes Z-Tap. Oldest Supported DB2: <version>, Newest supported DB2: <version>

Explanation: Guardium for Mainframes is supported for specific versions of the DB2 database. The product will not operate with unsupported versions.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: See ”r;Mainframe Software Requirements” and compare the version list to the DB2 version you are running. Contact Guardium Technical Support for assistance.


NSU0083I: Plan processor has completed successfully.

Explanation: The database audit plan was successfully processed.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0084E: Plan processor has completed unsuccessfully. RC=<return code>

Explanation: The database audit plan was not processed successfully.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: See additional error messages to determine cause of failure before reprocessing.


NSU0085E: Plan processor has abended. Completion Code = x<code>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component could not process the audit plan. A serious problem occurred in the plan processor task. The abend completion code can provide additional information about the problem.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Use the information in the abend return code to diagnose the problem. If you need assistance, contact Guardium Technical Support.


NSU0086I: A TERM command has been entered by console <console>. <text>

Explanation: A TERM command was entered.  See ”r;TERM” on page 23.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0087I: DB2 subsystem <ssid> is not currently active.

Explanation: The DB2 subystem being audited is stopped.

System Action: Processing continues when the DB2 subsystem becomes active.

User Response: No action is required. You can check whether the DB2 subsystem is active, and restart it if it should be running.


NSU0088E: Address space locate failed for DB2 subsystem <ssid>.

Explanation: An error occurred when locating a DB2 subsystem.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: If you need further assistance, contact Guardium Technical Support.


NSU0089E: DB2 environmental error occurred with subsystem <ssid>.

Explanation: An internal error occurred.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Contact Technical Support.


NSU0090I: Log extractor for DB2 subsystem <ssid> is terminating.

Explanation: The Z-TAP process that reads DB2 logs has stopped.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0091E: Log extractor for DB2 subsystem <ssid> could not connect to auditing dataspace. RC = <return code>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP log extractor could not establish a connection to the data space for the reason indicated by the return code.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Restart the Z-TAP component.


NSU0092I: Audit Extract Process for DB2 subsystem <ssid> is terminating.

Explanation: The Z-TAP process that extracts audit data is stopping.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0093I: Plan processor is terminating.

Explanation: The Z-TAP process that interprets Guardium policies is stopping.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required, however, errors will occur if policy changes require the plan processor.


NSU0094I: Rules engine is terminating.

Explanation: The Z-TAP process that enforces rules has stopped.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required, however, errors may occur if the rules engine is needed during data collection.


NSU0097E: RRSAF IDENTIFY error to DB2 subsystem <ssid>. RC = <return code> Reason = <reason>.

Explanation: Z-TAP could not communicate with the DB2 subsystem due to an authentication error.

System Action: Processing for the identified DB2 subsystem does not continue

User Response: Examine the return code and reason included with the error message. You may need to update your Z-TAP configuration parameters, or you may have a problem with user credentials, group assignments, or authorizations that will need to be fixed by your security administrator.


NSU0098E: RRSAF SIGNON Error to DB2 subsystem <ssid>. RC = <code> Reason = <reason>.

Explanation: Z-TAP could not connect to DB2 with the user ID provided in its configuration.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Examine the return code and reason. You may need to update the Z-TAP configuration parameters to provide new passwords.


NSU0099E: RRSAF CREATETHREAD Error to DB2 subsystem <ssid> RC = <return code> Reason = <reason>.

Explanation: Z-TAP could not complete the SQL statement or IFI request because DB2 did not allocate the required resources.

System Action: Processing for the identified DB2 subsystem does not continue.

User Response: Use the return code and reason information to diagnose the problem. If you need assistance, contact Guardium Technical Support.


NSU0100E: Unable to create a connection to DB2 subsystem <ssid> due to incorrect or missing DB2 load library.

Explanation: Z-TAP could not connect to the DB2 subsystem because a required load library was unavailable.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Verify that the load libraries on the Customizable Parameters configuration screen are correct. Re-bind the DB2 packages used during the audit process. See ”r;Binding Packages for Guardium for Mainframes” on page 35.


NSU0101I: DB2 <ssid> is starting at <time> on <date>.

Explanation: The DB2 subsystem being audited has been restarted.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0102I: DB2 <ssid> is terminating at <time> on <date>.

Explanation: The DB2 subsystem being audited has been stopped.

System Action: Processing continues when the subsystem is restarted.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0103I: DB2 Status Monitor for subsystem <ssid> has completed successfully.

Explanation: The DB2 Status Monitor has completed. Status information on the subsystem is updated.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0104E: DB2 Status Monitor for subsystem <ssid> has completed unsuccessfully. RC=<return code>

Explanation: The DB2 Status Monitor could not complete.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Check that the DB2 subsystem is started.


NSU0105E: DB2 Status Monitor for subsystem <ssid> has abended. Completion Code = x<code>.

Explanation: A serious problem occurred in the DB2 Status Monitor. The abend completion code can provide additional information about the problem.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Use the information in the abend return code to diagnose the problem. If you need assistance, contact Guardium Technical Support.


NSU0106I: Monitoring session for subsystem <ssid> has completed initialization at <time> on <date>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP monitoring session has been started for the indicated DB2 subsystem.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0107E: TCBTOKEN error occurred attempting to define the dataspace for subsystem <ssid>

Explanation: An internal Z-TAP error occurred while trying to define a dataspace.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Contact Technical Support.


NSU0108E: Dataspace create failed for subsystem <ssid>

Explanation: Z-TAP could not be initialized because it was unable to create a dataspace for working with the identified DB2 subsystem.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Examine additional messages occurring with this one to isolate the cause of the problem.


NSU0109E: Dataspace initialization failed for subsystem <ssid>

Explanation: Z-TAP could not be initialized because it was unable to initialize a dataspace for working with the identified DB2 subsystem.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Examine additional messages occurring with this one to isolate the cause of the problem.  


NSU0110E: Dynamic allocation failure for dsn <data set name> RC=<return code>  Reason=<explanation>

Explanation: Z-TAP could not dynamically allocate the indicated dataset.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Check for additional errors.


NSU0111E: Reload of cached ruleset failed. RC=<return code>

Explanation: Z-TAP could not load a ruleset that had been through rule processing, for the reason indicated by the RC.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Check for additional errors.


NSU0112E: An error occurred saving cached ruleset. RC=<return code>

Explanation: The Z-TAP rule processor could not save a processed ruleset for the indicated reason.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Check for additional errors.


NSU0113E: Rules processor has encountered a pause service error. RC=<return code>

Explanation: The rules processor received a pause instruction but the pause operation failed for the indicated reason.

System Action: Pause processing terminates.

User Response: Examine additional messages occurring with this one to isolate the cause of the problem.


NSU0114E: Audit extract process could not add the dataspace alet for subsystem <ssid>. RC=<return code>

Explanation: Z-TAP uses tokens called alets to access the data space. This message indicates that an alet could not be added for the indicated subsystem.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Examine the reason code and determine if additional resources are needed before restarting the task.


NSU0115E: Log extract process could not find space left in the collection buffer for subsystem <ssid>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP log extractor processor required more buffer space than was available.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Examine the reason code and determine if additional resources are needed before restarting.


NSU0116E: Storage allocation failed. Area = <block>. RC=<return code>.

Explanation: Z-TAP was unable to allocate required storage space.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Examine the reason code and determine if additional resources are needed before restarting.


NSU0117E: Cleanup on DB2 subystem <ssid> failed because more than one environment exists.

Explanation: Z-TAP cleans up its workspace, removing unused and temporary objects. It assumes a single environment per DB2 subsystem, and if multiple environments are discovered, the cleanup will fail.

System Action: Cleanup terminates.

User Response: Examine the error messages occurring near this one for additional details about the problem.


NSU0118W: Auditing has been terminated on subsystem <ssid>, but all workareas could not be freed due to inflight units of work.

Explanation: This message ackowledges that a TERM command was received, however one or more processes are still running.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0119E: Change data build process could not add the dataspace alet for DB2 subsystem <ssid>. RC=<return code>

Explanation: Z-TAP uses tokens called alets to access the data space. This message indicates that an alet could not be added for the indicated dataspace.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Examine the reason code and determine if additional resources are needed before restarting the task.


NSU0120I: A MSGLVL command has been entered by console <console>. <text>

Explanation: This is an informational message acknowledging the MSGLVL command from the console.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0121I: Message level has been changed to <level>.

Explanation: This is an informational message that the verbosity level of system output has been changed as indicated. 1 provides the least information, 3 the most.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0122E: An invalid message level has been specified: <level>

Explanation: Z-TAP uses message levels of 1, 2, or 3. This message indicates that different value was specified.

System Action: The message level is not set.

User Response: Check the level specified in the command.


NSU0123E: Error Processing Product Key, RC=<return code> Reason=<reason text> ADMIN DSN=<data set name>

Explanation: Z-TAP encountered an error while validating the license key.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Examine the reason accompanying the message and verify that a valid license exists for the CPU and database.


NSU0124E: Allocation error attempting to allocate ADMIN DSN=<data set name> RC=<return code> Reason=<reason text>

Explanation: Z-TAP was unable to allocate the ADMIN dataspace while processing the license key.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Examine the reason code and determine if additional resources are needed before restarting the task.


NSU0125E: No Product Key Found for Guardium for Mainframes Z-Tap &endash; Check Customization Steps.

Explanation: No product license key was found.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: See ”r;Editing the Product Key” for information about the license key. Verify that the key was installed and configured correctly. If you do not have a key or need additional assistance, contact Guardium Technical Support.


NSU0126W: Guardium for Mainframes Z-Tap for DB2 not authorized for this CPU.

Explanation: A product license key was found, but it is configured for a different database or CPU.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: See ”r;Editing the Product Key” for information about the license key. Verify that the key was installed and configured correctly. If you do not have a key for this CPU and database, or need additional assistance, contact Guardium Technical Support.


NSU0128W: Guardium for Mainframes Z-Tap for DB2 license has expired for this CPU.

Explanation: A product license key was found, but it is no longer valid.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: You need to update the license, contact Guardium Technical Support.


NSU0130W: Guardium for Mainframes Z-Tap for DB2 will EXPIRE in <number> days. ADMIN DSN=<data set name>

Explanation: A product license key was found, but its validity is limited.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: You need to update the license, contact Guardium Technical Support.


NSU0132I: Guardium for Mainframes Z-Tap for DB2 feature is not licensed for this CPU.

Explanation: You have a Z-TAP license, but it does not include DB2.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Check your license.  Contact Guardium Technical Support if you need an updated product license key.


NSU0134I: Guardium for Mainframes Z-Tap for DB2 feature is licensed for this CPU.

Explanation: Informational message that a licensed feature or feature supported only by certain database types can be used on this CPU.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0136E: Cannot audit DB2 subsystem <ssid> due to license error.

Explanation: Z-TAP is a licensed product that must have a properly configured, valid license for each database and CPU.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: If you need a new or updated license key, contact Guardium Technical Support.


NSU0138E: Subystem <ssid> does not exist or is an unsupported subsystem type.

Explanation: The subsystem to be audited can not be found or is of a type not supported by this version of Z-TAP.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Verify that your subsystem meets the system requirements specified in this document (OS and database version levels) and that the subsystem is up.


NSU0139I: Excess space has been freed from the collection dataspace for subsystem <ssid>

Explanation: Z-TAP requires a certain amount of resources to use for data collection. A cleanup process released more space than Z-TAP would like. Z-TAP released unused memory back to the system.

User Response: No action is required. You may want to check your allocation settings.


NSU0140E: Subsystem <ssid> is already being audited by a different Z-TAP address space.

Explanation: A DB2 subsystem can be monitored by only one Z-TAP process. This message indicates that you are attempting to start a new Z-TAP address space to monitor an already monitored subsystem.

System Action: Monitoring is not started for the new Z-TAP instance.

User Response: No action is necessary.


NSU0141E: A MODIFY command specified a subsystem that is not currently being monitored: <ssid>.

Explanation: The DB2 subsystem specified by a MODIFY MVS operator command is not being monitored by Z-TAP.

System Action: Processing continues. The MODIFY command is not processed.

User Response: No action is necessary. Correct the MODIFY command if the incorrect subsystem was specified and submit it again.


NSU0142E: Communications error: <text>

Explanation: An error occurred in the communications channels between Z-TAP components.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Check similar messages nearby to isolate the underlying cause of the error.


NSU0143E: Rules error: <text>

Explanation: An error occurred in Z-TAP’s rules processing engine.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Check similar messages nearby to isolate the underlying cause of the error.


NSU0144I: A TRACE command has been entered by console <console>.


Explanation: A TRACE MVS operator command was entered on the indicated console.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is necessary.


NSU0145I: Collection buffer for subsystem <ssid> is <percentage> percent full.

Explanation: Informational message indicating the amount of buffer space currently in use.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is necessary. If the percentage is very high, you may want to increase the buffer size.


NSU0146E: Stap API initialization error type 1:


Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the STAP API.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Check nearby error messages to see if this is a symptom of other problems. If you need further help, contact Guardium Technical Support.


NSU0147E: Stap API initialization error type 2:

RC=<return code>

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to initialize the STAP API.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Check the return code and nearby error messages to see if this is a symptom of other problems. If you need further help, contact Guardium Technical Support.


NSU0148E: Rules engine API error building policy. RC=<return code>

Explanation: An error occurred in the rules engine API while Z-TAP was interpreting and applying the audit policy.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Check the return code and nearby error messages to see if this is a symptom of other problems. If you need further help, contact Guardium Technical Support.


NSU0149E: The DB2 SSID/Group Name specified is invalid: <ssidgroupname>

Explanation: A DB2 data sharing group name specified in the audit policy is not valid on the subsystem.

System Action: The group name is not processed. Processing continues.

User Response: Verify and make any necessary corrections to the audit policy.


NSU0150E: An error occurred on DB2 <ssid> while processing the policy.

Explanation: The rules engine could not implement the policy because of a DB2 error. Possibly the DB2 subsystem is down.  

System Action: The policy cannot be processed.

User Response: If the problem persists, contact Guardium Technical Support.


NSU0151E: A DB2 Plan Name specified in the policy is invalid: <plan>

Explanation: The indicated plan name is included in the audit policy, but does not exist in the monitored DB2 subsystem.

System Action: Auditing is not done for the plan. Processing continues.

User Response: Verify and make any necessary corrections to the audit policy.


NSU0152E: A DB2 DBRM Name specified in the policy is invalid: <database request module>

Explanation: The DB2 precompiler produces a database request module for each SQL statement in a program. The indicated DBRM is specified in the audit policy, but it cannot be matched to a DBRM in the monitored subsystem.

System Action: The DBRM is not monitored. Processing continues.

User Response: Verify and make any necessary corrections to the audit policy.


NSU0153E: A userid specified in the policy is invalid: <userid>

Explanation: Z-TAP can monitor specified users. A userid was specified in the audit policy, but can not be matched to a user in the monitored DB2 subsystem.

System Action: The userid is not monitored. Processing continues.

User Response: Verify and make any necessary corrections to the audit policy.


NSU0154I: Plan Processor has successfully connected to the appliance.

Explanation: Informational message indicating that the communications channels are open between the Z-TAP started task and the Z2000 appliance, and that the plan processing can occur.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No actions is necessary.


NSU0155I: Extract Processor for subsystem <ssid> has successfully connected to the appliance.

Explanation: Informational message indicating that the communications channels are open between the Z-TAP started task and the Z2000 appliance, and that extract processing can occur.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No actions is necessary.


NSU0156I: Plan Processor is terminating.

Explanation: Informational message indicating that the Z-TAP plan processor is stopping.

System Action: Monitoring continues.

User Response: No action is necessary.


NSU0157E: Plan Processor communication error:


Explanation: An error occurred in the communications channels between the Z-TAP plan processor and other Guardium for Mainframes components.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Verify that the plan is correct. Contact Guardium Technical Support if assistance is needed.


NSU0158I: Policy installation complete at <time> on <date>.

Explanation: Informational message indicating that the audit policy is in place for the mainframe.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is necessary.


NSU0159E: Audit extract process for subsystem <ssid> communication error: <text>

Explanation: An error occurred in the communications channels used by the audit extract process.

System Action: Processing waits for connection to re-establish.

User Response: Contact Technical Support.


NSU0160W: No objects matches were found on DB2 subsystem <ssid> for rule: <rule>

Explanation: The Z-TAP rules processor found no data in the monitored system matching the indicated rule.

System Action: Processing continues without any object qualifications.


NSU0161E: Maintenance update not allowed due to environmental error.

Explanation: The maintenance update cannot be performed.

System Action: Update command is cancelled.

User Response: Contact Guardium Technical Support.


NSU0162I: A MAINT command has been entered by console <console>.<text>

Explanation: The command to perform a maintenance update was entered on the indicated console.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is necessary.


NSU0163E: Cannot determine current hostname due to error: <text>

Explanation: The hostname cannot be determined because of the indicated error condition.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Contact Guardium Technical Support.


NSU0200I: Auditing has started for address space <space> on DB2 subsystem <ssid> at <time> <date>.

Explanation: Z-TAP has begun auditing the indicated address space on the indicated DB2 subsystem.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0201I: Auditing has completed for address space <space> on DB2 subsystem <ssid> at <time> <date>

Explanation: Z-TAP completed auditing of the indicated address space and DB2 subsystem.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: No action is required.


NSU0202E: Address space <space> could not connect to monitor dataspace for DB2 subsystem <ssid>. RC = <return code>

Explanation: The address space could not connect to the Z-TAP dataspace for the reason indicated by the return code.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Contact Technical Support.


NSU0203E: Storage Allocation failure 1 occurred in address space <space>. RC = <return code>.

Explanation: Z-TAP could not allocate memory in the indicated address space.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Contact Technical Support.


NSU0204E: PET Allocation failure occurred in address space <space> RC = <return code>.

Explanation: A PET could not be allocated for the indicated address space.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Examine the return code for information that may help isolate the problem. Contact Guardium Technical Support if you need additional help.


NSU0205E: Address space <space> could not connect to DBM1 for DB2 subsystem <ssid>. RC = <return code>

Explanation: The address space could not connect to the DBM1 address space for the reason indicated by the return code.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Examine the return code to determine if a problem exists.


NSU0206E: Address space <space> could not connect to the Audit Started Task. RC = <return code>.

Explanation: The address space could not connect to the Audit started task for the reason indicated by the return code.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Examine the return code to determine if a problem exists.


NSU0207E : Resource manager could not be created for address space <space>. RC = <return code>

Explanation: The resource manager application could not be created for the indicated address space for the reason indicated by the return code.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Examine the return code to determine if a problem exists. Restart the Z-TAP component.


NSU0208E: Auditing has terminated for address space <address space> on DB2 subystem <ssid> at <time> on <date> due to no space left in collection buffer.

Explanation: The data space is full. Increase its size if necessary. If other problems are suspected, contact Technical Support.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Check your allocation settings.


NSU0209E: An error occurred retrieving rules for address space <address space> on DB2 subystem <ssid> at <time> on <date>. Auditing has been terminated for this address space.

Explanation: Z-TAP encountered an error while retrieving audit rules for the indicated subsystem.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Check similar messages nearby to isolate the underlying cause of the error.


NSU0210E: A collection error has occurred for address space <address space> on DB2 subsystem <ssid> at <time> on <date>. Auditing has been terminated for this address space.

Explanation: Z-TAP encountered an error while collecting data from the indicated subsystem.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Check similar messages nearby to isolate the underlying cause of the error.


NSU0211E: The collector for address space <address space> on DB2 subsystem <ssid> has abended. Completion Code=<code>.

Explanation: Z-TAP encountered a critical error while collecting data from the indicated subsystem.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Check similar messages nearby to isolate the underlying cause of the error.


NSU0212E: The collector for address space <address space> on DB2 subsystem <ssid> has encountered an error. RC=<return code>.

Explanation: Z-TAP encountered an error while collecting data from the indicated subsystem.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Check similar messages nearby to isolate the underlying cause of the error.


NSU0213E: The collector for address space <address space> on DB2 subsystem <ssid> was unable to allocate memory for rules processing. RC=<return code>.

Explanation: Z-TAP encountered an error allocating memory to be used for collecting data from the indicated subsystem.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Check similar messages nearby to isolate the underlying cause of the error.


NSU0214E: The collector for address space <address space> on DB2 subsystem <ssid> could not allocate memory to request rules. RC=<return code>.

Explanation: Z-TAP encountered an error allocating memory to be used for processing rules for the indicated subsystem.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Check similar messages nearby to isolate the underlying cause of the error.


NSU0215E: The collector for address space <address space> on DB2 subsystem <ssid> has abended requesting rules. Completion Code=<code>.

Explanation: Z-TAP encountered a critical error while requesting rules for the indicated subsystem.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Check similar messages nearby to isolate the underlying cause of the error.


NSU0216E: The collector for address space <address space> on DB2 subsystem <ssid> has encountered a pause service error. RC=<return code>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP collection process encountered an error while attempting to halt processing due to a pause command.

System Action: The collection process terminates.

User Response: Check similar messages nearby to isolate the underlying cause of the error.


NSU0217E: The collector for address space <address space> on DB2 subsystem <ssid> has encountered a memory allocation failure requesting rules. RC=<reason code>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP collection process encountered an error while trying to allocate memory for requested audit rules.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Check similar messages nearby to isolate the underlying cause of the error. You may need to increase Z-TAP resource allocations.


NSU0218E: The collector for address space <address space> on DB2 subsystem <ssid> could not find its monitor <token>. RC=<return code>.

Explanation: The communications channel between the Z-TAP collection process and the associated monitor process is corrupt or unavailable.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Check similar messages nearby to isolate the underlying cause of the error. You may need to restart the started task.


NSU0219E: System dump creation failed. RC=<reason code>. Reason=<return text>.

Explanation: Critical errors, such as an abend, cause a system dump that can be used for troubleshooting. Z-TAP encountered a critical error, but was unable to created the dump. This may be due to unavailable storage resources.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Check similar messages nearby to isolate the underlying cause of the error. You may need to check available resources on the subsystem and restart the started task. Contact Technical Support.


NSU0220I: System dump created for collector abend in address space <address space>

Explanation: Critical errors, such as an abend, cause a system dump that can be used for troubleshooting. Z-TAP created the system dump.

System Action: Termination continues.

User Response: Use the dump as a troubleshooting tool, or contact Guardium Technical Support for assistance.


NSU0221E: Address space <address space> encountered an error accessing the collector dataspace for DB2 subsystem <ssid>.

Explanation: A memory management error occurred in the monitored subsystem.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Check similar messages nearby to isolate the underlying cause of the error. You may need restart the started task.


NSU9900E : Unable to load user options module.  RC = <return code>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component could not load the module that contains the user options set during installation. This file is normally in the &hlq.EXEC library and is named NSUUOPT.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Make sure that the NSUUOPT file has not been moved or renamed. If necessary, run the Product Customization Facility to create a new user options module.


NSU9901E : User options are for a different product release.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component could not use the user options found in &hlq.EXEC(NSUUOPT). The options were defined for a different release of Guardium for Mainframes.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Run the Product Customization Facility for the current release of the product to create a valid user options module. For more information, see ”r;Customizing Z-TAP” on page 14.


NSU9902E: Error occurred initializing message environment.  RC = <return code>.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component encountered an error when it attempted to create the message environment.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Contact Technical Support.


NSU9903E: APF Authorization check failed.

Explanation: The Z-TAP component requires an APF-authorized load library. The APF authorization failed.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: APF-authorize the current load library, or install the Z-TAP component in another APF-authorized load library.


NSU9904E: User Option initialization failed.

Explanation: The Z-TAP user options module could not be initialized.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Contact Technical Support