S-TAP Reports

By default, the reports described in this topic appear on the Administrator portal. You can define new queries or reports on the Rogue Connections domain, and you can create alerts based on exceptions created by S-TAPs, but other domains used by S-TAP reports are system-private and cannot be accessed by users.  

System View > STAP Status Monitor

For each S-TAP reporting to this Guardium appliance, this report identifies the S-Tap Host, S-Tap Version, DB Server Type, Status (active or inactive), Last Response Received (date and time), Primary Host Name, and true/false indicators for: KTAP, TEE, MS SQL Server Shared Memory, DB2 Shared Memory, Local TCP monitoring, Named Pipes Usage, and Encryption.

Tap Monitor > Rogue Connections

This report is available only when the Hunter option is enabled on Unix servers. The Hunter option is only used when the Tee monitoring method is used. This report lists all local processes that have circumvented S-TAP to connect to the database.

Tap Monitor > S-TAP Configuration Change History

Lists S-TAP configuration changes – each inspection engine change will be displayed on a separate row. Each row lists the S-TAP Host, DB Server Type, DB Port From, DB Port To, DB Client IP, DB Client Mask, and Timestamp for the change.

Tap Monitor > Primary Guardium Host Change Log

Log of primary host changes for S-TAPs. The primary host is the SQL Guard unit to which the S-TAP sends data. Each line of the report lists the S-TAP Host, Guardium Host Name, Period Start and Period End.

Tap Monitor > S-TAP Status

Displays status information about each inspection engine defined on each S-TAP Host. This report has no From and To date parameters, since it is reporting current status. Each row of the report lists the S-TAP Host, DB Server Type, Status, Last Response, Primary Host Name, Yes/No indicators for the following attributes: KTAP Installed, TEE Installed, Shared Memory Driver Installed, DB2 Shared Memory Driver Installed, LHMON Driver Installed, Named Pipes Driver Installed, and App Server Installed. In addition, it lists the Hunter DBS.

Tap Monitor > Inactive S-TAPs Since

Lists all inactive S-TAPs defined on the system. It has a single run-time parameter: QUERY_FROM_DATE, which is set to now -1 hour by default. Use this parameter to control how you want to define "inactive." This report contains the same columns of data described above for the S-TAP Status report, with the addition of a count for each row of the report.