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WalkFit Walking for fitness and healthWalking is the most frequently recommended fitness program in the world, and the most convenient. You only need comfortable footwear and clothing, and it can be done by virtually anybody, almost anywhere, almost anytime. Why walk?
Why do you need a walking program? You might wonder, if we're born to walk, why do we need a walking program? The answer is simply that most of us have forgotten how to walk. We all had good walking technique at one time, beginning at about 12-18 months of age. But not too long after that, we went to school and started spending more time sitting than standing and walking, and it's been all downhill since then. So how will this program teach me to walk again? You can learn to walk the right way by treating walking as a full-body movement art, like T'ai Chi, swimming, or ballroom dancing. It is easy physically, but requires mindful practice, since most of us have developed bad posture, movement patterns and habits. This program is based on a method called Chi Walking, and involves the following steps:
Coach: Bill Steele, certified Triathlon Coach (USAT), Swim Coach (ASCA), FMS Specialist, Personal Trainer (NASM - pending) Sessions: Two (?) 60-minute sessions per
week, for 8 (?) weeks |
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