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Indoor Triathlon Training - Five Weeks
Begins Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 6:00PM
Mount Auburn Club (MAC)

This progam is for triathletes or anybody who wants to train like one!

All workouts are one hour, beginning at 6:00 PM

6:00 PM Sport Location
Tuesday Run (treadmill) Cardio Theater
Wednesday Swiim


Thursday Bike (spin) 2nd Floor Open Studio

Enroll for 5, 10 or all 15 workouts (mix and match!)

  1. Call the MAC Reception Desk: 617-923-2255 x254. Any desk person should be able to get you enrolled.

  2. Identify the program in which you want to enroll. (See above.)

  3. Provide your membership or credit card information. You can enroll for 5, 10 or all 15 workouts, for the following cost:
Workouts Mount Auburn Club Members Non-Members

If there are any problems or questions, contact Coach Bill: 978-290-1445.

Back to program information.


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