Sign-Up Instructions
for Programs at the Mount Auburn Club (MAC)
Breakwater Freestyle 1: This progam is for newer swimmers or triathletes.
- Call the MAC Reception Desk: 617-923-2255 x254. If the program has
already started, you must speak with Dory Berman x362 (she is the only
person who can pro-rate your tuition for a late sign-up). Otherwise,
any desk person should be able to help.
- Identify the program in which you want to enroll. Note that there
are two programs. This is the Freestyle 1 program, which is for newer
swimmers (the Freestyle 2 program is for "graduates" of
the Freestyle 1 program). Also note that the class is being offered
on two different nights:
Breakwater Freestyle 1
Tuesdays: Starts Tue Jan 26, 2010 at 8:00 PM
Wednesdays: Starts Wed Jan 27, 2010 at 6:00 PM
- Provide membership or credit card information. The cost is $270 for
MAC members, $300 for non-members.
If there are any problems or questions, contact Coach Bill: 978-290-1445.