trigearhead - Swim Cap Trick Comments: Melanie McQuaid (pro triathlete) provides a tip
for how to store your cap, goggles, ear plugs, whatever in the sleeve
of your wetsuit as you are exiting the water and on your way to
T1. (I have to leave my prescription goggles on or I will not find
my bicycle...)
OTC Swim Drills
source - title
Comments: xxx.
source - English Channel Crossing news story
Comments: Annapolis group swim of English Channel - why group workouts
are a good thing (all wanted one of the others to give up, none
did, they did a double crossing)
source - Go Swim - Underwater Freestyle
Comments: use this drill in freestyle 1 and 2.
Go Swim - Freestyle - Single-Arm Variations
Comments: xxx.
Go Swim - Freestyle - Shoulder Rotation
Comments: xxx.
Go Swim - Freestyle - Shoulder Throw
Comments: xxx.