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Breakwater Freestyle 2 - Session 5: Elbows and Hips

Bend your elbow to set a hand/forearm anchor in the water, hold that spot, and use your hips to drive your body forward.


  • Kickboard Single-Arm Drill
    • First focus on the hip and arm on the stroking side - coordinate the kick and pull (the rotational kick should happen at the start of the catch).
    • Then focus on using the hip on the non-stroking side to drive the stroking side into the setup position.
  • Freestyle with same focus as above


There are several tools that you can use to help with the vertical forearm catch and pull, and your hip rotation.

  • Hand Paddles
  • EVF Paddles
  • Finis Fulcrum

Note: Continue to practice the dryland EVF strengthening drill on the bottom of the Video Clips - Arms page.

Back to the Freestyle 2 program page.


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