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Hip Rotation Focus - Recovery Workout

Objective: Intense focus on hip rotation.

Total Distance = 1600 yards; Total Time = 24:00; 12:00 PM-12:24 PM

Set 1 - Warm-up; Dist = 400 yards; Time = 08:00; 12:00 PM-12:08 PM
8 X 50 Freestyle Swim on 1:00
Training Cat: EN1
First 50 very slow, each subsequent 50 one second faster

Set 2 - Stroke Drill; Dist = 200 yards; Time = 04:00; 12:08 PM-12:12 PM
4 X 50 Freestyle Swim on 1:00
Training Cat: EN1
Focus on driving recovering arm forward with the hips

Set 3 - Stroke Drill; Dist = 200 yards; Time = 04:00; 12:12 PM-12:16 PM
4 X 50 Freestyle Swim on 1:00
Training Cat: EN1
Focus on snapping the hips at the moment you make your catch

Set 4 - Conditioning; Dist = 400 yards; Time = 04:00; 12:16 PM-12:20 PM
4 X 100 Freestyle Swim on 1:00
Training Cat: EN2
Using preferred hip focus from above, swim longer & faster

Set 5 - Cool-down; Dist = 400 yards; Time = 04:00; 12:20 PM-12:24 PM
4 X 100 Freestyle Swim on 1:00
Training Cat: REC
Imagine you are cross country skiing very slowly

Totals by Training Cat
400 yards REC (25%)
800 yards EN1 (50%)
400 yards EN2 (25%)

Totals by Stroke
1600 yards Freestyle (100%)

Totals by Propulsion
1600 yards Swim (100%)

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